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The Wonders of the Placenta and Umbilical Cord: Nature's Perfect Lifeline during Pregnancy🌟

As a birth educator and doula I wanted to dive into the fascinating world of the placenta and umbilical cord, which are nothing short of miraculous in their design and function. If you're feeling anxious about these often forgotten parts of your pregnancy journey, don't worry; by the end of this post, you'll be amazed by how beautifully equipped your body is to support your little one.

We will also be busting some myths including that the placenta ages at the end of pregnancy (which has in part fuelled the epidemic of induction of labour in the Western world).

... Plus, stick around for a special freebie to keep you relaxed through this journey! 🌼

Baby's Own Lifeline 🌱

The umbilical cord and placenta are the unsung heroes of pregnancy. These incredible structures form a sophisticated support system that’s all about keeping your baby thriving from conception to birth.

First off, let’s talk about the placenta. This organ is truly one-of-a-kind! It develops uniquely for each pregnancy, attaching to the wall of the uterus and connecting to your baby via the umbilical cord. It is formed from the same cell as your little baby. Think of it as a bustling nutrient exchange station. It delivers oxygen and essential nutrients from your bloodstream to your baby while also carrying away waste products. It's your baby's first lifeline, providing everything needed to grow and develop in a safe, nourishing environment.

Now, onto the star of today's post: the umbilical cord! This flexible tube is about 50 to 60 centimetres long and contains three vital blood vessels—two arteries and one vein. The vein carries oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to your baby, while the arteries shuttle waste back to the placenta and out via mum's body. 🔄

But that's not all! The umbilical cord is wrapped in a special, jelly-like substance called Wharton's jelly. This amazing material cushions the cord, allowing it to wiggle, bend, and stretch as your baby moves around. It’s like nature’s own shock absorber, ensuring that the lifeline doesn’t kink or compress under pressure.

As a birthworker I feel is helpful to note at this point that, despite common misconceptions, the cord being wrapped around baby, including their neck, is not dangerous and is quite normal. Around 1/3rd of babies are born with the cord around their neck and it is gently unwrapped after birth (this has included two of my own babies born at home). The Wharton's Jelly stops the blood vessels from being squeezed so baby continues to receive oxygen through the cord until it is cut.

Wrapping themselves in the cord can also be a clever protective move for the baby to limit the risk of cord prolapse (where it comes out before baby).

The Self-Clamping Feature 🌈

After your baby is born, something incredible happens. The cooler air outside your body causes the Wharton's jelly to thicken and compress the blood vessels within the umbilical cord. This natural clamping effect slows and then stops the blood flow, allowing for a safe, gradual transition for your baby from relying on the placenta to breathing on their own. Isn’t nature brilliant?

This is one of the reasons why we so strongly recommend delaying the physical clamping of the cord until the blood has transferred to the baby - as did you know a whole THIRD of their blood volume is within the cord/placenta at any one time... that is a huge amount of blood to lose if you clamp the cord right away.

Busting Myths: The Placenta’s Lifespan 🕵️‍♀️

There’s a lot of debate surrounding the placenta and whether it "stops functioning" after 40 weeks, but let’s set the record straight the placenta does not have an "expiration date" and continues to support the baby as long as needed in the vast majority of cases. Healthy babies are born after 40... and even 42 weeks with perfectly functioning placentas. So, if your due date comes and goes, don’t stress—your body knows what it’s doing!

Yes.. the placenta does grow and technically "age" with your little baby in. the womb. This is a normal and healthy process which helps the placenta detach at the appropriate time after the birth.

In rare circumstances it can "age" quicker than it would usually. However, the research shows that this is a symptom that the pregnant woman is in a state of oxidative stress and not at full health, rather than an inherent issue with the placenta. Oxidative stress and the related inflammation is significantly more prevalent in those with the following:

  • obesity.

  • diets high in fat, sugar, and processed foods.

  • exposure to radiation.

  • smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products.

  • alcohol consumption.

  • certain medications.

  • pollution.

  • exposure to pesticides or industrial chemicals.

A persistent state of oxidative stress propels aging of cells. This is yet another reason to keep on top of your health and diet during pregnancy, alongside with limiting exposure to nasties in our environment! Oxidative stress is know to cause cell aging. But... what it doesn't mean is that it is typical that a placenta will "stop working" as you get to 40 weeks.

As Dr Fox states in his research that the belief that the placenta is due to expire at 40 weeks (and that the aging is detrimental) is...:

He goes on to say: "There is, in fact, no logical reason for believing that the placenta, which is a fetal organ, should age while the other fetal organs do not: the situation in which an individual organ ages within an organism that is not aged is one which does not occur in any biological system.”

Obviously there is nuance here and this has to be taken into account when considering the mother and baby as a whole, their health, the signals their bodies are giving off as to what is going on inside and mum's own intuition.

If you want to dive deeper into this (and you're a science nerd like me) then I would recommend Dr Sophie Messenger's paper here.

Keep Calm and Carry On: Pregnancy Relaxation 🧘‍♀️

Feeling anxious about pregnancy is normal, but it’s important to keep stress levels in check for both your well-being and that of your baby. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, I would recommend downloading a Free Pregnancy Relaxation. These sessions are designed to help you relax, connect with your baby, and enjoy your pregnancy journey with peace and joy.


Isn’t it astonishing how well-equipped we are to bring new life into the world? The intricate design of the placenta and umbilical cord showcases nature's profound intelligence and care in creating a safe, supportive environment for your baby. If you ever feel anxious or worried, remember this: your body is doing incredible work every second of your pregnancy.

And if those pregnancy jitters are really getting to you, why not give our Free Pregnancy Relaxation sessions a try? They’re the perfect way to ease your mind and connect with other moms-to-be. Click here to sign up and start feeling more serene today! Sign up for Free Pregnancy Relaxation

Isn’t pregnancy amazing? Let’s marvel at the wonders of our bodies and look forward to the incredible journey of bringing a new life into this world. Stay calm, stay informed, and as always, celebrate every moment of this miraculous time. 🌟👶🎉

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