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The Essential Guide to Continuous Care in Maternity Services: From Antenatal to Birth 🌟

When you're embarking on the miraculous journey of bringing a new life into this world 🌍, the support system you choose can significantly influence your experience. The continuity of care in maternity services, especially from antenatal to birth, isn't just a luxury—it's a necessity for ensuring the health and well-being of both mother 🤱 and baby 👶.

In this guide, we'll explore why this continuous care matters and how you can create a curated birth team tailored to your needs, without breaking the bank 💸.

Why Continuous Care? 🤔

Imagine having a trusted partner by your side, someone who knows your story, understands your fears and hopes, and has been with you every step of the way. That's the essence of continuous care. It's about building a relationship with your care providers, having a name (rather than a system) as your key contact in your care team, ensuring that you're not just another case to them, but a unique individual with specific needs and preferences.

Ever had that sinking feeling when you turn up to a midwife appointment and its someone new? Argh you now have to explain your background, preferences and choices ALL OVER AGAIN!

Continuous care has been linked to numerous benefits, including increased maternal satisfaction, reduced stress 😌, and even better birth outcomes. Who wouldn't want that?

When caregivers are familiar with your medical history, preferences, and personality, they're better equipped to provide personalised care that aligns with your expectations and desires.

The Quality Care Commission survey results show that complaints drop when women have continuity of care. The Better Birth recommended that a model of continuity of care be rolled out across the UK. However staffing issues mean we are further than ever from this model in most NHS Trusts.

Crafting Your Birth Team 👨‍👩‍👧

Your birth team is like your personal cheer squad 📣, equipped with professional knowledge and skills to guide you through the antenatal period to the birth of your child. Who is with you when you birth can have a huge impact on your birth experience.

You may not have control over who you interact with and are cared for when you go into labour. But here’s how you can curate your dream team:

  • Hiring a Doula: Doulas provide emotional, physical, and educational support. They're the constant in your changing world of maternity care, bridging the gap between medical professionals and your personal birth experience. 👭

  • Hire an Independent midwife: these are midwives that are not employed by the NHS or hospital and whilst they have codes of conduct their loyalty lies with you over hospital policy.

  • Involving Your Partner/Family: A supportive and educated birth partner or family member who understands your birth plan and can advocate for you can be an invaluable part of your team. 💑 Prepare together through your pregnancy. This is exactly why I have a whole Birth Partner Bonus Bit of my course!

  • Know a birth nerd?: If you know someone who is obsessed with all things birth they may be happy to join you for your birth to be a cheerleader and confidant.

Also... pro tip if you do not like someone you are interacting with during your labour and delivery... it is perfectly fine to ask for someone else!

... I know, if you're a people pleaser like me this might sound terrifying and rude! However, your birth experience is life-changing and will stay with you forever whereas this is just another shift at work for that person. Don't let fear of upsetting someone ruin your birth.

Making Continuous Care Affordable 💰

One of the biggest hurdles to assembling your ideal birth team can be the cost. Here are some strategies to make it more affordable:

  • Payment Plans: Many doulas and midwives offer payment plans to spread out the cost over time. Don't hesitate to ask about flexible payment options. 📆

  • Adding It to Your Registry: Instead of or in addition to traditional baby gifts, consider adding doula services or maternity care funds to your baby registry. This can be a practical way for friends and family to support you in a meaningful way. 🎁

  • Finding a Newbie: Newly certified doulas or midwives often offer their services at a reduced rate to gain experience. This can be a win-win situation, giving them valuable experience while providing you with the support you need at a lower cost. 🌱

  • Forgo a big ticket baby item: a beautiful Artipoppe sling or 8 piece Uppababy buggy are lovely to have on hand, but there are more affordable options which could open up a pot of money which could level-up your birth experience.

  • Skill swap: do you have a skill or knowledge you could swap? Are you a website designer, social media guru, accountant? You could offer to do something in exchange for care during your pregnancy and/or birth!

Closing Thoughts 💭

Continuous care in maternity services is about more than just medical oversight; it's about fostering a supportive, understanding relationship with your care providers throughout one of the most transformative periods of your life. By prioritising this approach and exploring creative ways to make it affordable, you can set the stage for a positive and empowering birth experience. 🌈

Remember, every step you take towards creating a continuous care model is a step towards a more satisfying, and joyful journey to parenthood. 🚶‍♀️🚶

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