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Embracing the Power of Positive Affirmations in pregnancy and birth

Updated: Mar 13

Words are so powerful 💪🏼

Using positive phrases as self-affirmation has been scientifically proven, via MRI technology, to increase neural pathways.

Pregnancy and birth journeys are filled with anticipation and joy, but also worry. Amidst the physical changes and emotional whirlwinds, finding moments of calm and empowerment is crucial. This is where the practice of positive affirmations can help.

Positive affirmations are more than just words; they are powerful statements that can shape our mindset, boost our confidence, and cultivate a sense of inner peace. Incorporating affirmations into your daily routine during pregnancy can have profound effects on your mental and emotional well-being, as well as on the birthing process itself.

They can also help you build a deep connection with your body and your baby. By repeating affirmations such as:

"My body is strong and capable,"

"I trust in my body's ability to give birth,"

It helps to reaffirm your innate strength and instill a sense of confidence in your body's natural abilities but also strengthens the bond between you and your growing baby.

Birth fears

Positive affirmations are a powerful tools for managing fear around childbirth . Many expectant mothers grapple with feelings of apprehension or uncertainty about the birthing process. They can also help you to surrender and let go in the moment. Replace negative thoughts with affirmations like:

"I am calm, confident, and fully prepared for birth,"

"Each contraction brings me closer to meeting my baby"

"I can do anything for 1 minute"

"I surrender fully to the sensations of birth"

This shift in mindset can have a profound impact on the way you approach labor and birth. Research has shown that maintaining a positive mindset during labor can lead to:

  1. shorter labor times,

  2. reduced need for medical interventions, and

  3. overall greater satisfaction with the birth experience. By incorporating affirmations into your birth preparation and practicing them regularly, you can set the stage for a more positive and empowering birth.

💭 Why don't you design your own affirmations to place around your home and birth space?

Canva has some templates you can use - you could incorporate a birth colour that resonates with you. Pinterest has some lovely ideas too.

So, let's embrace the power of positive affirmations and celebrate the incredible journey of pregnancy and birth with confidence and joy.

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