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Transformational Birth Coaching Program

  • 28Days
  • 2Steps


An immersive coaching program offers expectant mothers and their birth partners a holistic journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and preparation for childbirth. Spread over 12 weeks, the program provides ample time for deep exploration, growth, and transformation. Weekly coaching sessions, each lasting 1-1.5 hours, focus on nurturing feminine power, releasing limiting beliefs, and cultivating a positive mindset towards childbirth. * Personalized guidance and support tailored to address individual fears, challenges, and aspirations throughout the pregnancy journey. * Co-creation of a detailed birth preferences plan, informed by your values, desires, and unique circumstances. * Full access to the Three Pillars online birth course, providing comprehensive knowledge on the science, mindset, and practical aspects of childbirth. * Integration of embodiment practices, breathwork, and visualisation techniques to enhance relaxation and resilience during labor and birth. Unlimited email and phone support for ongoing encouragement, accountability, and guidance. Bonus resources, including guided meditations, affirmations, and recommended reading materials, to support your journey towards a positive birth experience.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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